Friday, November 17, 2006


when the day come, you will very enjoy your study,,
this was told by my senior one year ago..

what's the mean??

now, when everyday i wake up, the 1st thing i want to do is interviewing patient..

but, do you know what's the interesting part in this whole process??

it is when the patient from your hometown, or when the patient "believe" you are their friends..

so, everytime when i walked past by each patient that i used to interview them, i will show a respect to them, with a smile.,..

when i did it, their response is the part make more energetic to continue my study..

in medicine study, we need to maintain our effort..

however, sometime in our life, we will have low, at the end of the day, you will just sit there with a book and your brain is blank///

however, because i enjoy each part of my clinical practice, so i always in very very high mood to study...

however, i still in low mood this few days with just sit and with books and mind is blank..this may be too tired stay in the ward, and thus i start to leave ward and go back to hostel more earlier so that i will study in the night...

in my pre-clinical year, i felt medicine little bit boring as we just study and study without knowing our objective..

however, in clinical year, when we get the information from patient we will ask ourselvcs what had occured in this, we will very curious to find out the underlying causes..because of this responsible, i study for it,,,

and when you have responsibility, you will be respected by everybody even yourself..

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