Wednesday, August 02, 2006

responsibility→rational thinking→result

today when reading news on net, saw such kind of news: "PM said if information in blogs, websites, sms and online portals were incorrect, causing disturbances, then the authors will be investigated..."

responding to it, i agree with our PM action..
however, there's sometime we need to spread a news which we heard from somebody as a primary prevention before the disaster occur..take the Tsunami previously..since that, i already scare of that after saw the video, when i get the message, i think i will tell my lovely family as a way for me to prevent sad thing, sometime we are forced to do's no choice..however, are there any ways we can take before spread the news???

yes, there are..check with police station with double confirmations are better...
so, bloggers, think before we said is the best...

today society, many people did without thinking...because of this, all the city problems arised..

however, think is not enough..we must have a rational thinking, then during solving the problems, will not end up with unhappiness..

is there enough?? no, other than rational thinking, we must have responsibility. when you know it is your responsibility, then you will make it in the rational way..

so, responsibility → rational thinking → desired result.

take an example, if a medical staff know his responsibility, then he will not make wrong decision. .as a result, when in medical school, our lecturer always train us to have responsibility over what we did..of course, it takes long times to have responsibility, which is trained via, to all students, co-k is not for you to participate because of forced or what, but you should put more on what you learn from there..don't just go there for play, but go there to learn the indirect thing, eg responsibility, social interaction.....blar blar blar.......

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