Monday, October 01, 2007


do you know that the chinese in this world are at the higher chance of developing one kind of cancer known as NASOPHARYNGEAL CARCINOMA? (NPC)

what is this?
in our nose, the part that is behind to the nose and communicate with our oral cavity, it is known as nasopharyngeal area. or in chinese, we call it as "BI QIANG AI ZHENG"

this kind of cancer is now getting aware aournd the medical fields...
however, as usual, to those who are not medical based education people, they are not aware of the symptoms that have been created by this kind of cancer...

so, what is the symptoms that we are looking for????
may be out of these symptoms, you will experience some of it..
however, don't so worry too much..
as what i said in previous post that medicine is not 100%...
furthermore, if with this few symptoms that i'm stating here, then there will very easy to study medicine and do the treatment already..
so, in case, unfortunately, you are having such features, try go to your nearest clinic have a check up, seeking the doctor advices, ok???

so, the symptoms will be as below:
1. you will experience of hearing loss with at the same time having ear ringging...
- any of these symptoms that is present for more than two weeks, try to seek the advice as soon as possible...
2. the patient may complaint of bleeding in the nose, especially one side bleed
3. nose block
4. or the face appear asymmetry gradually (acute face asymmetry more points towards stroke)
the means of face asymmetry is looked like the face of a patient that has had stroke
5. there is a neck mass.. (Aware: neck mass can have many diseases, not necessarily cancer)
6. you are a smoker
7. race: chinese
8. there is a research that is saying eat salted fish is one of the risk factors ( (look for page 3, Nasopharyngeal cancer)

for further details, please read through the link as below:

in conclusion, if i'm you, and if i have the symptoms that have been unuresolved, i will went to seek for my own specialist advice as this kind of cancer presented early in our life from 30 year old and up to 50 year old...and it is treatable if noted early.

however, keep in mind, don't too worry after reading this article, as there are many other causes for the symptoms mentioned above...

any wrong informations that you have notice, please let me know as i am still learning...

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